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June 29, 19:30, Koska Bar, (Dobračina 59)  Vera is a middle-aged sign language interpreter, who leads a well-structured life: a wife to a renowned judge, a supportive mother, and a caring grandmother. Her serenity is disrupted by her husband's unexpected suicide followed by an unwelcome, menacing parade of relatives who claim to have ownership over their village family house.  When the tendrils of an underworld scheme begin to surface, Vera’s world will face danger and seem ready to collapse. Fear and mistrust will force Vera to take the family’s fate into her own hands. Steeped into an ominous atmosphere, Vera Dreams of the Sea is an intimate yet universal portrait of a woman, who must face the raw reality of going...

June 29, 11:30,  Prostor Miljenko Dereta  (Dobračina 55) The aim of debate is to address the post-war legacy that is built upon pillars of affective political, social, and cultural narratives that are centered on nationalistic agendas, negation of the violent past, and ethnic-nationalist post-war identity formation. The panelists will explore instances of successful cultural and artistic collaboration and exchange amidst the hostile environment . While dialogue is frequently confined to the political arena, it extends beyond it, and the significance of such dialogue forms a focal point of this discussion. ...

June 29, 11:00, Prostor Miljenko Dereta (Dobračina 55) Azem Deliu, a young writer born in 1996 in Skenderaj, earned his degree in Albanian literature from the University of Prishtina. He garnered recognition for his debut poetry collection, "The Funeral of Rain" (2013). Renowned Polish author Piotr Smolinski was extended an invitation to Kosovo as a guest artist, where he encountered a post-war mentality reminiscent, at times, of the challenges his own country faced following the collapse of communism. Deliu will personally introduce his book, after which he will engage in a discussion inspired by the book's themes and motifs. ...